Family Yogatime in the Gardens
Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens 8909 W. 179th St., Overland Park, Kansas 66013

Family Yoga gives children and families the opportunity to tell a story through yoga poses while learning about the natural world. Rooted Like A Tree, Bloom Like A Flower, Fly Like A Butterfly are all poses that spark the imagination in small children. When they pretend to be a flower or butterfly while feeling cool grass beneath their feet, children establish a link with nature and enjoy feelings of peace and contentment. Each session will be at a different location throughout the Arboretum’s gardens. Prepare to be outdoors for the entire session, so wear hats, sunscreen and bring mats and a reusable water bottle.
“We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth, and to tell our stories. These are the moments when the world is made whole. In my children's memories, the adventures we've had together in nature will always exist.”
― Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
Fee is per family $10 for member families, $15 for nonmember families (maximum of 5 families)