Junie B Jones and a Little Monkey Business
Theatre for Young America 30 W. Pershing Rd., Kansas City, Missouri
When Junie B.'s parents tell her they have a surprise for her, she isn't thrilled to realize it's not a present, but a new baby brother. Grandma gets a chance to see the baby first and comes back saying he's the cutest little monkey. Junie B. takes it literally and tells her whole class her brother is a real, live monkey. Junie B.'s bestest friends are so eager to get a look at the baby, she starts taking bids for the first look. Book, music and lyrics by Joan Cushing based on Barbara Park’s books.
Prices: General Admission $12, Union Staton Members $10
Show Times: Tue - Thur 10 am, Fri 10 am & 12 pm, Sat 2 pm