Quilt-Rs & Craft-Rs Market
Hillside Christian Church KC 900 N.E. Vivion Rd., Kansas City, Missouri 64118
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Quilt-Rs & Craft-Rs Market features local crafters.
The 16th Quilt-Rs & Craft-Rs Market gives quilters, crafters, artisans, hobbyists, and tinkerers the opportunity to sell their UFOs, unwanted fabric and fiber, unneeded supplies, tools, small machines, patterns, instruction books, and other materials in an indoor garage sale. You'll find quilting and crafting items at rock-bottom prices! Features a sandwich lunch; FreeCycle Table; handmade items of all kinds. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday Aug 24th in the Hillside Christian Church Gym, 900 NE Vivion Rd. Free Admission!