Used Curriculum Sale
Christ Community Church - Olathe W. 119th St , Kansas City, Missouri 66061
There will be room for 50-55 sellers. When you register, please give the most accurate count of your items so we can allow as many sellers as possible. Because of the layout of sale space, all sellers will be assigned to a shared table. Once all the tables are reserved, any additional names will be put on a waiting list.
New to homeschooling?
If you’re a newbie homeschooler or just considering homeschool for the first time, please come a little earlier and attend our FREE “How to Homeschool” workshop!
NEW this year: Dinner option at $4.50 per person (5-7 p.m. only)
While both the homeschool workshop and used curriculum sale events are free, we’ve negotiated a special deal on dinners with the church’s Kindness Kitchen – warm, fresh, boxed meals at $4.50 per person, an incredible price especially for homeschool families!
These meals are lovingly created from scratch by the amazing Greg & Mary Reynolds, who have a combined 35 years of private catering experience. (They’re also retired homeschool parents!) Each meal will contain two big flour beef enchiladas, rice, and beans, all warm and made on-site that evening.
Dinner meals will be served in the church’s fellowship hall.