It’s fall again! Now we all know the weather’s changing, we’re a little older and keeping it fresh—especially with pumpkins—can be challenging. So how can we do it? The theme is the same year after year. The colors don’t change much, and family, well…they’re family. So what’s the trick? Well, we have a few! Not only can you look forward to the holidays soon to come but, after reading this article, you can look forward to decorating for those holidays too!
No carve
If your children (whether they be big ones or little ones) are not quite there when it comes to handling sharp objects, break out the paint! Characters from the Disney and Pixar family films Monsters Inc., Ninja Turtles, Minions and Frozen are all popular and are all easy to paint on round objects like pumpkins. The characters not only add color to a not-so-popular porch, but they’ll also add conversation to family gatherings. If you’re really clever, you can get the most out of one pumpkin by putting a new face on each side. Don’t quite know where to start? Searching pumpkin ideas on Pinterest is an awesome way to begin.
Smells like heaven…
If you’re not really into the look of making pumpkins pop, you always can try your luck with aroma. Every local store you can think of is sure to sell a seasonal pumpkin spiced pleasure. If you can’t narrow it down to one favorite, try this in your wax burner:
- 3 T. coconut oil
- 3 T. pumpkin pie spice
- ½ t. cinnamon
The recipe is simple, quick and beyond inexpensive, so everyone can enjoy it—and you don’t have to feel bad for taking credit for it!
The way to his heart…
Is through his stomach! We’ve all heard that the way to make any man happy is to feed him. But let’s face it, the way to make whole families happy is to make sure their tummies are happy. When it comes to cooking and keeping your sanity, remember to keep it simple. Good food doesn’t necessarily mean hours of slaving in the kitchen with one pot and two wooden spoons. It also doesn’t mean you’ll have high blood pressure and have to resort to an extreme diet after the holidays. There are thousands of quick-fix delicious meals that curb and cut even the largest appetites, are budget friendly and, most importantly, are healthy! If you’re still not sure, has a pumpkin pecan cobbler that will knock your socks off.
Have fun, pumpkin!
With all the hype of the holidays, it’s easy to forget the focus: FAMILY! Making sure everyone is happy is a difficult job, but one made just for you. With that in mind, just remember to keep smiling and have fun yourself! You’re the life of the party, pumpkin, and don’t let anyone forget it! So with that great responsibility, just make sure you take it one day at a time or one season, whichever helps you sleep better at night—and always, always, always have a pumpkin handy!
Jessica Samuel is a native of St. Louis and a current Kansas City resident. She is a grad student, photographer and journalist.