Note: This blog was written eleven days after the "Estimated Due Date" of our third baby girl... who, as of yet, had not made her debut (12/13).
1) There is a reason they call them "Estimated" Due Dates.
2) Natural Induction is a myth... Congrats to all the women who apparently ate Mexican food or Chinese food, or took a long walk or tried any other "creative ideas" and baby came.... I'm convinced that it is 100% coincidence. Okay, I guess I don't actually know that for certain about Castor Oil, but then there is NOTHING you could do to get me to try it (a: it is disgusting, and b: it is dangerous)... so maybe it works, but the costs definitely don't outweight the benefits on that one. If you knew how far progressed I was for HOW long and how many miles I walked and burritos were consumed, etc, with each of my three pregnancies (all "overdue"), you'd know why I believe all of these ideas are fiction.
3) Children don't do things that are "convenient" for their parents as a rule... may as well learn that NOW. :-)
4) If you are overdue, the best thing to do is to stay occupied living life as normally and enjoyably as possible while remaining "prepared in case." I was very thankful to occupy my time having fun with my girls thanks to the many great events on the Kansas City Calendar! (This may seem like a shameless plug, but it's completely true!)
5) Third borns are just like first borns and second borns.... they have a personality of their OWN.
6) Your best friends will pray for you, spend time with you, and have wonderful conversations with you... and they'll make a point to talk to you about things other than pregnancy and babies because they know your mind needs a break! Thank you all!
7) Sleep is a valuable commodity, claim it when you can!
8) It can be a lot of fun to answer a stranger's question of, "When are you due?" with, "Eleven days ago." Watch their eyes pop out of their heads and try to laugh when they recommend the "sure fire" restaurant, exercise, or method to get that baby to come out.
9) Eleven days overdue is long and tiring... but when I think of what my grandmothers, great-grandmothers, etc, experienced with pregnancy.... I've got it good!
10) And, most importantly.... The best things in life are worth waiting for!