We asked KC Parent’s 54,000+ Facebook fans, when you were pregnant, what nickname did you give your little one before he or she had an official name? And why?
Janelle: "Dos" because he is numero dos!
Kim: Little Squish because her cheeks looked so sweet and squishy in all our sonograms.
Jamie: We had the hardest time naming our third. We called her “Voldemort, she who shall not be named,” like in Harry Potter.
Judy: Our first grandson was called “Nacho” because he was “Nacho ordinary grandson.”
Deanne: I had terrible nausea that lasted through the first and second trimester. I called my little one my "Sour Patch Kid." First, they're sour, and I kept hoping for the day she would turn sweet!
Candance: I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, and she was the size of a poppy seed. We called her Poppy my whole pregnancy!
Stacey: Tank—because pregnancy hit me like one!
Danielle: I referred to my son as my PSL (Pumpkin Spiced Little) since he was due in October and I am a pumpkin spice latte fanatic.
Abbie: Bun as in "bun in the oven." Still call him bunny.
Lisa: Goldfish because I craved Goldfish crackers the whole pregnancy.
Valerie: We called our first, our daughter, Cricket because her legs were so long on the ultrasound!
Ronda: I called my last one Junebug. He was due mid-June but arrived in May.