After months of anticipation, your baby is finally here! It is a moment filled with excitement, joy and yes…a little pain. The moment you see your baby for the first time will change your life. But do you know what the first day of your baby’s life will be like for both of you? This timeline will help you know what to expect so that you can relax and enjoy getting to know your little one.
Baby’s First Few Minutes:
The moment has arrived and your baby is here! Dr. K. Goodpasture, OB/GYN resident from Kansas City, explains what happens in the first few seconds after your baby is born: “We clamp & cut the cord, suction the baby's mouth then nose, and either hand the baby to Pediatrics or place the baby on mom's abdomen for skin-to-skin time.”
The moment you first meet your baby is beautiful, but baby may not look like you have imagined. (One Olathe Dad thought his baby looked K-State purple!) Brand new babies are usually wrinkly, red and still smudged with goo (called vernix). Their heads may be a bit cone-like from all of that time in the birth canal, too. Don’t worry! This appearance is normal and your baby will only get cuter and cuter from here on out.
At one and five minutes after your baby’s birth, the doctor will assess your baby’s APGAR score. This assessment measures your baby’s heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, reflex and color on a 10-point scale. A “good” score would be around 8 or 9 according to Goodpasture. Your baby will also be weighed and measured and you will both be given matching hospital identification for security purposes.
Baby’s First Hour:
During the first hour, you will have lots of time to bond with your new baby. She will likely be wide awake and interested in looking at you and the new world she’s just entered. Enjoy this time and learn all about her, too.
As soon as possible after birth you may want to try breastfeeding for the first time. Your milk will not be in yet, but your baby will be getting nutrient rich colostrum and the baby’s sucking will trigger your body to produce milk. Breastfeeding is natural, but it is not always easy. Nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital can help you perfect your technique. If you cannot breastfeed or choose not to, the nurses will help you with your first formula feedings, as well.
Baby’s First Day:
As you recover from childbirth and bond with your baby, the nurses will give your baby his first bath and assist you if necessary with diaper changes. Your baby’s first bowel movements will be meconium, which is a black tarry substance. Do not be alarmed at these diapers…they are totally normal! Keep track of how often your baby is wet/dirty during those first few days and weeks, as it is a sign of whether or not your baby is getting enough to eat.
Your baby will likely sleep most of her first day…brand new babies can sleep up to 22 hours a day! It will be difficult because of all of the excitement and because you won’t want to stop staring at your new bundle of joy, but try to sleep as much as you can while the baby sleeps.
Baby’s First Check-up:
At some point during the first day of your baby’s life she will get her first check-up by a pediatrician who will come to your room to examine the baby. Your baby will also have a few tests and vaccines in the hospital (with your consent). Dr. Mary Hamm, Child Care Limited Pediatrics of Kansas City, explains, “Babies get two shots right after birth: The Hepatitis B vaccine and a vitamin K shot to prevent bleeding problems. An antibiotic ointment is also put in your baby's eyes to prevent infection.” Your baby will also have a blood sample taken from his heel to test for genetic diseases and a test for jaundice. You may want to discuss all of these tests and procedures with your chosen pediatrician before giving birth if you have any questions.
Although the day will be filled with activity for you and your baby, Hamm offers some advice: “Becoming a parent is an amazing experience but can be a little overwhelming. So, take those first few hours to enjoy bonding with your new baby and becoming a family.”
Sara Keenan gave birth to two beautiful babies in Kansas City. Her biggest surprise on their birthdays was how BIG they were and how instantly she fell in love with each of them.