H1N1 has been declared a State of Emergency by the President. Readers cannot open a newspaper or magazine without finding articles updating them on the virus. Every news network and radio station is addressing the topic all day every day and parents across Kansas City are trying to determine how it impacts their families.
To vaccinate or not? Where to find a vaccine? How will this impact expectant mothers? Can children visit newborn siblings and relatives in the hospital?
Medical professionals across Kansas City are working hard to respond quickly and accurately to the needs of all patients and policies are changing rapidly as a result. We tried to answer your burning questions with this Kansas City Guide to H1N1.
H1N1 in Kansas City Guide:
- Locate an H1N1 Vaccine near you.
- Read Kansas City Parent Magazine’s article on H1N1 and Pregnancy.
- Follow the Flu Tracker
- Policies are changing rapidly. Please call ahead before visiting patients to verify rules. We called every hospital on this list on October 28, 2009, and many had just instituted new policies this week and some were still in the process of making decisions. Double check before visiting patients.
- For expectant mothers, each hospital is taking precautions to protect mothers and infants from exposure to the flu either through exposure from medical staff, visitors, or other patients. If a mother has experienced flu-like symptoms or has been exposed to the flu, some hospitals are implementing new policies to protect her and the newborn, as well as other patients. If you have experienced symptoms or have been exposed to the flu, it is wise to talk to your physician and discuss policies with them. The rules and procedures vary among area hospitals and among physicians.
Kansas City Area Hospitals H1N1 Visitation Policies as of October 28, 2009:
H1N1 Changes to Expect at All Kansas City Hospitals:
- Hospitals are posting signs and reminders outlining good hygiene practices, answers to common H1N1 questions and vaccine information. Some hospitals have placed special hand sanitizing stations and informational booths throughout to educate guests on H1N1 and safe practices.
- Rules are posted reminding guests that they are not to visit if they have experienced any flu-like symptoms or have been exposed to the flu.
- Many hospitals are asking all guests to complete questionnaires double-checking their personal health before visiting patients.
KU Medical Center:
913.588.5000 New Policy due to H1N1: No visitors under 18 allowed. KU Med Visitor’s Guide. Liberty Hospital: 816.792.7213 New Policy due to H1N1: No Visitors 15 and below. Liberty Hospital Visitor’s Guide. Menorah Medical Center of Overland Park: 913.498.6000. Menorah Visitor's Guide. North Kansas City Hospital: 816.691.5179 New Policy due to H1N1: No Visitors 14 and below. North KC Hospital H1N1 Visitor’s Information.
Olathe Medical Center and Miami County Medical Center:
New Policy due to H1N1: To help protect patients and employees, they are currently limiting visitors to patients at Olathe Medical Center and Miami County Medical Center at this time. Please help by NOT VISITING patients at either medical center if: Your visit is not essential, You are ill, Visits by children age 12 and under are also not recommended. Visitors are encouraged to use hand sanitizer and hand-washing frequently to help prevent the spread of disease. Olathe Medical Center Website.
Overland Park Regional Medical Center:
913.541.5300No Policy Changes as of 10/28/2009. Overland Park Regional Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.
Providence Medical Center of Kansas City Kansas:
New Policy due to H1N1: No visitors under 12 years old, unless you get permission from the nursing station. Providence Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.
Research Medical Center:
816.276.4000 No changes to policy as of 10/28/2009. Research Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.
Shawnee Mission Medical Center:
New Policy due to H1N1: Children under 14 years old are not allowed to visit in the Special Addition Birth Center unless they are a sibling. Only three visitors in a room at a time. Visitors are asked to complete a health form to verify wellness. Shawnee Mission Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.
St. Joseph Medical Center:
816.943.4645 No Policy Changes as of 10/28/2009. St. Joseph Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.
Saint Luke’s Health Systems:
New Policy due to H1N1: No visitors under the age of 14 except siblings, and no visitors under the age of 14 allowed in NICU. If an expectant mother comes in to deliver with confirmed or suspected flu symptoms an anti-viral treatment is initiated as soon as possible and the mother is isolated from healthy patients. If the mother has flu-like illness at delivery, she is discouraged from close contact with the newborn until the doctor sees improvement and conditions are met. Speak with your physician for details. St. Luke's Medical Systems Visitor’s Guide.
St. Mary’s Medical Center:
816.655.5574 No Policy Changes as of 10/28/2009. St. Mary's Medical Center Visitor’s Guide. Truman Medical Center: 816.404.8245 New Policy due to H1N1: Only children of the patient are allowed to visit. Truman Medical Center Visitor’s Guide.