Pregnancy... with it comes many changes for moms and sometimes "strange" changes like cravings and weird dreams... ironically of all the pregnancy symptoms I have experienced - I've never had either of those... but, maybe I would have weird dreams if I actually slept... I digress...
With each pregnancy, we've encountered one common symptom in our home. My husband has STRANGE dreams. These have ranged from dreams that I gave birth to a dalmatian because I somehow "chose" to have a dog instead of a child to surprise him and made arrangements to have a puppy instead of a baby (which is exceptionally ironic as we have an agreement that we are not a dog family at all), to dreams that I suddenly change my position on the girls' education (which would also be astounding as my convictions on this have been long and strong), to dreams of sudden changes in our life in terms of career and lifestyle. In each instance, the dream includes components that are impossible and ridiculous (yes, science has advanced over the years, but I have yet to hear of one species giving birth to another). And, the dreams always include references to my pregnancy. And, the dreams "go away" after the baby is born.
Over the years, I've heard of other men encountering different "pregnancy symptoms" whether they put on weight, suddenly have cravings, or become more emotional or forgetful. In our house, strange dreams have been haunting my husband. So, did your husband ever encounter strange pregnancy symptoms? How did you handle it? And, why does this happen?
Written by Kristina Light