Healthy snack options for your family are not only possible, but easy and fun as well.
Snacking is inevitable, but healthy snacking is possible. Here are some fun, easy and healthy snacks to pass the time between meals.
Hummus and sliced veggies: Hummus has a nutty flavor that kids love and contains folate, vitamin B6 and iron.
Yogurt and fruit: Yogurt contains dairy and protein, and the fruit can be either fresh or frozen depending on the season (berries are a favorite due to the antioxidants).
Peanut butter: Peanut butter is full of protein and healthy fat. Combine that with a banana or apple and you have a sweet and healthy snack.
Cheese and pretzel: Cheese is full of dairy, healthy fat and calcium, and what child doesn’t love a salty pretzel for some added carbohydrates?
Cottage cheese and pears: Pears are full of fiber and available year-round. Canned pears are also a great healthy option (pick the ones canned in juice, not syrup). Cottage cheese is packed with calcium and protein.
Smoothies: Kids go crazy over these drinks! They are easily adaptable to fit any taste buds and healthy, easily fulfilling two to three servings of fruit and filled with fiber. Use nonfat yogurt to add some protein and calcium or use 100 percent orange juice as the base. Add a banana and fresh or frozen fruit mixed in a blender to make a delicious, easy snack.
Trail mix: Many pre-made trail mixes are a healthy option, or you can create your own. Pick your child’s favorite dried fruit and nuts, then be creative. Add popcorn, Chex Mix, pretzels, animal crackers, the options are endless! Nuts contain many minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc.
Whole-grain waffles: Waffles are full of iron and vitamins B6, B12 and A. Top with reduced fat cream cheese or fruit jelly for a delicious snack.
Meat and cheese roll-ups: Choose a low-fat, low-sodium meat and combine with cheese. Or roll the deli meat around a cheese stick. High in protein, healthy fat and calcium.
French fries: Yes, you read that right! Make your own with a combination of sweet potatoes and baking potatoes. Slice them or cut them into wedges, toss lightly in olive oil and bake at 400 degrees for approximately 20 minutes.
Healthy snack options for your family are not only possible, but easy and fun as well. Let your children get involved with the “cooking” process and enjoy the fruits of your labor together.
Jessica Heine is a labor and delivery nurse. She resides in Olathe with her family.
As always, please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns.