I have found that Facebook is a "love it or hate it" kind of thing. There are those that love it and post multiple times each day, those who check in everyday but maybe don't post a whole lot, those who join reluctantly because they feel like they are missing out and then never check in, and those that refuse to join at all. I fall square into the "love it" category and I'm not ashamed to admit it! Yes, Facebook can be an extreme time waster. And I'm guilty of occasionally spending way too much time browsing and searching. But in general I think it's a truly amazing thing and here are a few reasons why.
- Make New Friends...I have found that Facebook has nurtured all types of friendships in my life. There are friends that I have only met a couple of times in person, but I feel like I really know them a lot better because of Facebook. It's nice when you run into someone and can ask them about their vacation or their new job because you found out about it on Facebook. Gone is awkward small-talk...you can jump right in to a conversation!
- But Keep the Old...Growing up in a small town in the middle of Kansas, there were people that I thought I may never see again after we graduated from high school. But no more! Thanks to Facebook I have kept up on a lot of old friends' lives and enjoyed getting to know their adult versions. What a pleasant surprise when someone you didn't know too well (or maybe didn't get along with all that well) in high school turns out to be someone you have a lot in common with as an adult!
- Sharing the Good News...When I had my babies (pre-Facebook) it wasn't easy to let everyone know and send photos. We had to have a long email list and bring a list of phone numbers to the hospital. It took a few days to upload photos and share those with everyone. Now people can share their baby/wedding/engagement photos and news instantly! (I've even had a couple of friends posting throughout their labor...a little hard core, but fun for me to be a part of it!)
- Coupons, Deals, Freebies!!...As a couponer, Facebook is a goldmine of savings. I can't tell you how many coupons and freebies I have gotten as a result of "Liking" a page on Facebook. I recommend "liking" any pages of products that you like...you never know when they might offer a coupon or freebie.
- Entertainment....Okay, I admit it...I went through a wicked "Farmville" phase for a while. But when I realized that I was postponing my real life in order to harvest my imaginary crops I quit cold turkey. But even though some of the games can be addictive, many of them are fun and entertaining for a few minutes when you need a little pick-me-up. And if games aren't your thing, there is plenty of entertainment value in reading friends' posts!
There are many things about living in this digital age that drive wedges between real personal relationships, but I personally don't think Facebook is one of them. I am happy to say that I know a lot more about my friends, new and old, than I did before I signed up for a Facebook account. And I'm thankful for that! So what about you...what is your favorite thing about Facebook? Or do you avoid it all costs?