April has arrived, and I welcome it with open arms! Spring is bursting on the scene with new life and pops of color. Make some plans to enjoy the outdoors as nature awakens once again and beckons you.
As the outdoors spring to life, the rhythm of the season brings us plenty to celebrate: Earth Day on April 22, Arbor Day on April 26 and a unique eclipse on April 8, as well as National Gardening Day on April 14. Who knew? In case you haven’t checked a calendar recently, make note of Autism Awareness Day (April 2), National Picnic Day (April 23) and National Siblings Day (April 10). Give April a quick search on the inter-webs for plenty more things to note: Sourdough Bread Day, Peanut Butter & Jelly Day, Pet Day, Jackie Robinson Day, Grilled Cheese Day, Plant Appreciation Day, Laundry Day—and more than I can possibly list! There is indeed plenty to celebrate every day!
I believe waking up to life and breath itself is plenty cause for celebration! To help you mark some of these special days, don’t miss our new feature, “Park Jaunts” on pg. 21. You’ll get some lovely park destinations to consider to pair with National Picnic Day—and any other day you choose!
In honor of my beautiful and beloved “baby” sister, this month’s “5 Things” highlights some fun baby ideas as she anticipates welcoming her first baby. Additionally, have you ever considered how many of us parents are, in fact, parents of children with special needs? See Lauren Greenlee’s article on pg. 46 for ideas to help you rally around other parents as we all navigate this journey of parenthood.
Summer is coming quickly too. While I am sure there are plenty of days to celebrate in June and July, our Camp Guide can help you make the summer months even more fun for your kids. The guide can also be online at KCParent.com.
Make time to celebrate!