As parents we all know that we often hear our own words out of our kids' mouths. I have noticed lately that my bargain shopping habits are rubbing off on my kids! First my mom reported that when she was in a store with my daughter and couldn't find a price tag on an item, my daughter said, "Well, let's find a scanner and scan it!" (This comes from the fact that I'm always scanning things at Target to see if they have been marked down). Then I brought her with me this week to the big Target Toy Clearance and she was the best little savvy shopping partner...she kept finding toys saying "Is this one on sale?", "Look for the red stickers!" and "Nope...can't get that's not on sale!" And it's not just my daughter that has inherited my shopping skills. I asked my son recently if he knew what "Clearance" meant and he said, "It is something that is wonderful." Ha! I agree, buddy. When we play "store" at home, my kids always whip out pretend coupons with their pretend money. I just have to say that I am super proud of my little Savvy Shoppers! It may just be kind of cute now, but my hope is that they really are learning that saving money can be fun and that paying full price is overrated!