More than once, when I was younger, my friends had to ask me to stop reading so that I would do something with them. One of those times, I was in the middle of Gone With the Wind and nearly had to be dragged away from it so that I could go hang out with my high school friends. I’m a bookworm. I always have been and hopefully always will have my nose in a book. So, the other day when my friend asked her mom friends what our favorite thing to do with our kiddos is, I didn’t even have to think about it. I love to read with my kids.
I started reading with my little ones almost as soon as they were born. Five years later, I’m happiest when my three children are snuggled by me as we read a book. (It’s even better if they’re fresh from the bath!) I think my love of reading with them is why they always want me to put them to bed. They know they can always get me to read “just one more book.”
Currently, we’re reading anything we can find about superheroes, penguins, and princesses. We recently stumbled across a new favorite… Timothy and the Strong Pajamas by Viviane Schwarz. Sure, it isn’t what I would choose if I was still spending all of my reading time enjoying my own books. Yet, what could be better than sharing my favorite hobby with my favorite little ones?
What do you like to do with your children?