As a former teacher and current editor, I spend a lot of time with words. I can't read through something without checking it for errors and am often correcting both Tori and Ally's grammar. I am often heard asking, "Are you a turkey? If the answer is no, then you are finished with your homework, not done." To which they both chorus, "We know, we know. Food gets done and people get finished." Just this morning Tori was telling me that she was bringing a notepad to school so she could writer reminders for herself, including don't forget my book, don't forget lunch money, etc. when I started in with my speech on "instead of telling yourself 'don't forget', tell yourself 'remember' which puts a more positive spin on it..." and midway through my speil I hear Tori mutter to herself, "There are times when I regret you were ever a teacher."
By Tori's comment, it's evident that I do talk (admittedly too much) about grammar and punctuation and correct usage. I can't help it. It's what I do. So, as we send Christmas cards this year, here's a friendly tip from the editor in me: When signing your cards, remember to use the plural form of your name (The Sarvers) rather than the possessive (The Sarver's). And, when eating a roll or piece of bread, break off a bite and then butter it (oh wait, that's my blog on manners that I harp on with my girls-another topic for another day).