I have read articles that claim coupon clipping is not worth the time - nor effort. Sure - I can admit that I've looked at my inserts with rolling eyes as I grab my scissors. But then, I think about not clipping them and realize that there are really reasons WHY I take the time to clip.
It's my mone!!! We all work hard for those paychecks - I know I do! So, when it comes to handing over that cash, I want to make sure that it is somethign I truly need/want and that I also hand over as little cash as possible. Yes, I might only save $0.25. However, the way that I look at it --- it's MY $0.25 and not the retailer's. It's all about keeping what you earn.
Pennies add up. It's true, I may only save $0.50 here and there. But, if I save even just $1 every week, that is $520 in one year! Think about what you could have in your pocket if you saved even $2 a week. That's more than $1000 at the end of the year! Think about what you could do if you had an extra grand on January 1st of each year. I see ya smilin'!!!!!
Personal Challenge. I set a budget for groceries each week. Take that one step further -- I set a CASH budget. While I may budget $200 (for example), I love to see if I can actually spend less than that. So for me, it's a game. Every time I can have even $20 left at the end of my budget period, I feel like I won. It is my own little version of "Beat the Clock."
Playing the Game. It is fun to see how many coupons I can match up each week and what deals I can get. I love to work the numbers, the deals and pay the LOWEST price I can. When I find a way to get something for free - or really close to it - I almost feel like yelling "BINGO!" Plus, seeing that I saved more than I spent is just so motivating!
It's habit. The honest reason I now use coupons (in addition to the above of course), is that I don't know how to shop without them. I've done so for such a long time now that I don't know how to grocery shop without my binder in tow. The few times that I have had to dart into the store without the slip of paper in my hand, almost makes me feel like I am doing something I shouldn't be. Hmmmm, maybe I've passed habit and am now an addict! LOL!
The reasons people use (or don't use) coupons is personal. Some are extrme in nature and others are minimalistic. So, why do you use coupons? Is it for any of these reasons or another driving factor?