This may seem a tad bit random, but I feel the need to share my love of Ziplocs. And when I say Ziploc, I mean any resealable plastic baggie. But it's just easier to say Ziploc. Anyway, I love those little things and not just because they do a nice job holding a sandwich. I think they are a must-have for any mom on the go. I keep a box of them in my glove compartment in my car and I'm packing a box for our vacation. They are just good for so much more than just sandwiches! Here are a few things I use them for:
- Snacks on the go. Why buy tiny sized bags of pretzels for your kids when you can buy a big bag and repackage them yourself? So much cheaper.
- Split a snack. I love to get my kids popcorn at Target, but the small bag is way too big for them. I just grab a Ziploc out of my purse and split it between the two of them. This works, too, if you splurge on some Skittles or something but don't want them to eat the whole bag. Just pour a few into a Ziploc and save the rest for later.
- Treasure Hunting. My kids are always finding things that they want to bring home when we're at the park. Pinecones, little flowers, bird feathers, you name it. Instead of bringing some messy thing into the car, I pop it into a Ziploc for the drive. I will be using my handy Ziplocs on our beach vacation soon for shells and maybe we'll even bring home a baggie of sand!
- Artwork. Ever go to the library for their art/story time and walk out with a glittery glue covered mess? Gallon Ziplocs. Pop that masterpiece in a big Ziploc to keep the glitter under control until it's dry.
- Dirty clothes. It's happened to accident or huge mess at the zoo or at a park. Hopefully you've planned ahead and have a change of clothes, but what do you do with messy/wet clothing? You guessed it...Ziploc.
- Purse Organization. I have a couple of purses that just don't have the amount of pockets I need. I use Ziplocs to organize things in those purses...all of my chapsticks/lipsticks go in one, coupons in another, markers/crayons for the kids in another, etc.
- Toy Organization. A huge Ziploc is perfect for holding a small kids' puzzle (or at least the pieces if the board is too big). They are also good for separating out different Lego sets, Polly Pocket pieces, and the like.
So am I the only one who loves the Ziplocs to this level? What do you use those wonderful baggies for? you have a household item that you use for all sorts of different purposes?