Like most Kansas Citians, I have been eagerly looking forward to Spring. I'd envisioned trips to the park, long walks, birdwatching, visiting our favorite Nature Centers (Burr Oak Woods and Lakeside get our TOP VOTES), and the Kansas City Zoo.
Oh, but wait... the first day of Spring came to mean 6-8 inches of SNOW.... coming down ALL day long.
I believe that when life sends you lemons you need to make lemonade, and as moms it's one of our biggest jobs to teach that lesson to our kids. So, forgetting my dreams of swings and trails (which will be coming soon... right?)... I decided to teach my girls how to paint snow!
I filled squirt bottles with water and a few drops of food coloring, bundled up the girls and we went outside for a little snow painting. After about 30 minutes playing in the snow, it was time for Hot Cocoa & Marshmallows, Popcorn and a movie. So, it may not have been a day of sunshine and the anticipation of blooming flowers, but we made great memories and our day was bright.
How did you bring in Spring and what are you looking forward to most?