Like most dads, I have many roles. Not only am I am dad, but I am the homework helper, the chauffer, the Scout leader, the baseball, soccer, flag football, and basketball coach, and a million other things. I also find myself playing the role of Santa Claus, the tooth-fairy, and the Easter Bunny.
Now, for the past 10 years, the Easter Bunny has made a point of hiding plastic Easter eggs around the house for my children to find. With each new child that has been added to my family, a new color of plastic egg has been hidden in my house the night before Easter. The problem is I (I mean the Easter Bunny of course) am running out of places to hide the eggs. After 10 years, I have used up all the clever hiding places and my kids have figured out where to look. The Easter egg hunt isn’t challenging anymore.
Now I (I mean the Easter Bunny) have hidden eggs high and he has hidden them low. I have placed them in all the nooks and crannies in the house. I have even stashed them on the celling fan and behind couch cushions. I have hidden eggs everyplace I can think of.
Now, the Easter egg hunt is still exciting for my four-year-old daughter and even for my eight-year-old son (who is visually impaired so the Easter egg hunt is inherently challenging). My ten-year-old son is getting bored with it though, which is a problem because he expects the Easter Bunny to provide him with a challenge. Although my ten-year-old still believes in the Easter Bunny (and Santa Claus and the Tooth-Fairy), he is beginning to have his doubts and I fear that if the Easter Bunny doesn’t make the egg hunt challenging enough this year, my may stop believing all together.
So, the Easter Bunny needs your help! Does any one have any suggestions on clever places to hide the Easter Eggs?