Last week marked the final day of Ava's "school" for the year. Her coveted Thursday each week for Mother's Day Out was by far her favorite day of the week. I could always count on her to ask to be taken to school when Monday morning rolled around, and since she has no concept of what "Thursday" really means, I just kept telling her we would go to school soon.
But now, "school" has ended for the year, and I find myself what??!!
Thankfully, there is much to do with the summer months, and the warmer weather offers opportunities to play and be creative that other seasons may not lend themselves to. Try your hand at some fresh lemonade, make a sign, and put up a stand. Kids can also help bake goodies to sell outside as well. Lemonade is tastier with a sweet treat to follow, don't you think? Make snow cones, popsicles, and homemade ice cream, and invite the neighbors over for some dessert on the deck.
There is much to do outside that beckons each of us to join in. Having a family campout right in the comfort of your own backyard is a fantastic activity filled with memory-making opportunities. If younger children get nervous or scared, Mom or Dad can go back inside with them in the house. Camping doesn't have to be at a campground; just pop open the tent and plan your evening for fun!
Do the kids seem bored now that school is almost out? Create a scavenger hunt outside and inside. For extra challenge, incorporate questions that might involve math, reading, or science. Set up relay races or an obstacle course using summer items such as lounging chairs, sand buckets and beach towels. If you have some sand (at a neighborhood park or in your backyard), have a sand castle competition. Let the neighbors be the judge on which is most creative.
Finally, consider taking the kids to some of the local (or not so local) festivals and fairs coming up. Jiggle Jam festival at Crown Center is an event filled with fun, entertainment, music, and plenty of children's activities to fill your day with, and I would highly encourage you to consider taking your family this year. Clear your calendars for Jiggle Jam this Memorial Day weekend and kick-start Summer 2011!
What are some activities you like to participate in once school gets out and summer is here?