August Editor's Letter


August is upon us, and that means it’s back-to-school time. That I love summer and am no fan of the old BTS season is no secret. When I received an article called “Why I’m Singing the Back-to-School Blues,” I knew I could relate. Before reading the article, I started making a mental list of why I don’t care for back-to-school time. As I read, I discovered that even though the author’s reasons were different than mine, I could nod my head and relate to each and every one.  Super specific supply list? Yep, can’t stand it (and can’t stand it even more when the kids come home in May with the “green plastic folder with two pockets” untouched and unused). School photos? Uh huh, no matter how much preplanning goes into being ready for photo day, we ALWAYS have a hair or wardrobe malfunction the day of.  Drop-off lanes? To that let me just say if you need to get out of your car for any reason, the drop-off lane isn’t for you.

More than any other reason, I dislike BTS because I enjoy the freedom summer brings. Sure, we have obligations and places to be, but it’s much more relaxed during the summertime. Kids want to stay up late and just hang out? Sure thing! Late night ice cream run? No problem! Nothing to do so let’s sidewalk paint or have a water balloon fight or make muffins or create slime? Absolutely!  

But the reality is kids need to go off to school and learn, and I am thankful that we have such terrific schools and teachers all over KC. In order to help you with your back-to-school season, we’ve got a comprehensive guide.

Enjoy the end of summer, KC!



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