Dear Teachers Q & A

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By Peggy Gisler and Marge Eberts

Finishing Tasks

         Question: What should children and families be doing to end the school year on a high note? – Final Tasks

          Answer: Life certainly is easier for your children and the entire family if everyone takes the time now to tie up all the loose ends necessary to ending the school year successfully. In this way, the next school year can begin without having to do tasks related to the previous year. Keep the check-off list below as a handy tool to track tasks that need to be completed before the last day of school:

Think About the Future

          Parents: Life moves forward faster than we are often prepared for. Before you know it, children are in high school and thinking about college. As early as middle school, you need to be sure they are taking the right courses to meet college admission requirements. And when they get to high school, it is absolutely essential to know they are on the right path to college. Course requirements for state schools are a good standard for them to meet for most colleges, but not all.

The costs of going to college are much publicized. Investigate early some of the financial help you might be able to get. There are 17 states that offer tuition-free programs at community colleges for eligible students. Find out whether your state is one of them. Also, look into the costs of attending a public or private college in your state or another state. Your savings and a college savings plan may not meet all these costs. Think ahead to the probability of getting help from your children obtaining scholarships and from funds that may be available from your company or union. Plus, some states offer college money that does not need to be repaid for superior grades or certain career choices.

Parents should send questions and comments to and to learn more about helping their children succeed in school visit the DearTeacher website.

©Compass Syndicate Corporation, 2021

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