May Editor's Letter


Parlez-vous français? ¿Habla español? Sadly, I can’t really answer yes to either. I took Latin, French and Spanish in high school but can only speak and understand a few phrases. At the time, I didn’t see the benefit of learning another language. I would study what I needed to complete an assignment or take a test, but not much more than that. In fact, on one final exam in my Latin class, I translated the word “boy” as “cloud”—turned out to be a rather interesting story translation about a cloud. Of course, hindsight is almost always 20/20, and I do wish I would I have studied more and really learned another language. Check out Judy Goppert’s article for some of the many benefits that come from learning a second (or third!) language.

It's May, and that means Mother’s Day! Years ago, my brother made a plaque for my mom that read “Super Mom! You’re a good cook!”  The plaque is still displayed in our kitchen and it cracks me up because one of my mom’s least favorite chores was—and still is, to this day—cooking. But that didn’t matter to my 8-year-old brother. He just knew she provided us meals and was a good cook. Moms have lots of super powers. Lauren Greenlee discusses moms and their amazing gifts.

Not only do we celebrate moms in May, but we also celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of my very favorite season. Each year I look forward to the day I drive by the neighborhood pool to find it’s been filled with water. That means summer is on its way!

Happy Mother’s Day, KC moms!

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