No-sew Halloween Candy

I am not a huge decorating-for-the-holidays person. I know, people are always surprised by that, considering how much I like artsy-craftsy stuff. But, between working full time, having two kids, and well, crafting, I don’t have a ton of extra time for holiday decorating. I am lucky to have the laundry done and dinner on the table most days. But, if I were going to pick anything to spruce up the house for it would probably be fall, and specifically Halloween. There are so many cute projects, and the transition to fall is such a fun time. So when I asked Gracie what we should make for Halloween, I was super surprised (and delighted!) to hear her say, “Candy....from fabric!” Oooooh, now that is a no-calorie candy I can get on board with.

And luckily we had everything we needed right here at home (maybe you do too?) I used batting rather than stuffing, because I wasn’t going to sew, and this seems to hold its shape better. But, you can probably use whatever you have. Then, we picked some coordinating fabric pieces, and I used twine for tying off the candy wrappers (mostly because I didn’t have any ribbon, but you could use ribbon or whatever you have at home).

Then we shaped the “candy” out of the batting. We used different shapes, and then we used the fabric as the candy’s “wrapper.” I cut the fabric pieces using pinkinking sheers to keep the fabric from fraying and because it looks cute! Then we rolled the batting up into the fabric and tied the ends with twine. For the lollipops we used skewers. Once we were done, we put all of the pieces of candy into a basket, and took a photo. Gracie said the candy was smiling!

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