KC Baby Editor's Letter


As seasoned parents know, so many changes and transitions transpire during a child’s first few years. One of those rites of passage for babies is teething. It can be a painful and uncomfortable time for little ones! My mom used to always say, “Teething is so much work for something that’s just going to fall out in a few years.” And she wasn’t wrong. It can be a trying time for both tots and parents. I remember after my older daughter’s first tooth came in, I naively thought to myself, “Well, that teething stuff wasn’t so bad!” Little did I know she would get fussy and go through teething as each tooth came in. And about six years later, they did indeed fall out. For those of you dealing with a teething baby, head here for great tips and suggestions on how to ease the pain.

Once those teeth have erupted, your baby gets to move on to eating a wider variety of food, now that they have the chompers with which to do so. And even though there’s a world of different foods and tastes out there, it might seem like your toddler will eat only the same three things. Every. Single. Day. Toddlers are known for being finicky eaters. For creative ways to help deal with a picky eater, check out Judy Goppert’s article.

Days are longer, temps are warmer, and it’s the perfect time of year to get outside and enjoy! If rain interrupts your outdoor plans, never fear! We’ve got you covered with ideas for outdoor adventures, as well as indoor fun for tiny tots. For a list of even more great activities for little ones, be sure to check out the calendar at KCParent.com.

Happy spring, Kansas City!

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