Prepping Your Dog for Baby


            Roughly two-thirds of American families own at least one dog. Add a baby to the mix, and oftentimes the family dog drops quickly on the priority list or is removed from the household altogether. Before your baby arrives, prepare your dog for the changes ahead and enjoy the rewards of raising your children alongside your furry companion.

            “We tend to underestimate howv...vstress and change can affect a dog’s behavior,” says SueZanne Thibodeau, a certified humane education specialist and dog trainer. Thibodeau also facilitates a Dogs & Storks parent education program, teaching expectant parents how to help the family dog with the transition.

            Manners are a must. Teach your dog appropriate behaviors including basic commands like sit, down, stay, come, drop it and leave it.

            “Make it fun. No prong collars, choke collars or shock collars. Instead, use treats and toys to help motivate the dog,” says Kristyn Savage, a certified dog trainer. “Before the baby [arrives], sit in the chair that you will be nursing or feeding in and have the dog do the obedience in those areas.”

            Keep treats near the changing table and nursing station to create an association between pleasant experiences and the baby.      

            When Ali Foulk, was expecting her son Hans, she worried about her German shepherd Blondie’s fearful behavior. Following Savage’s advice, Foulk turned what could have been a dicey situation into a positive one. 

            “My son is now 2 years old and loves our dog. Blondie is extraordinarily gentle with him. He can give her a sit or down command, give her treats and throw balls. Playing together entertains both of them and fosters confidence and language development in my son,” Foulk says.

            Prepare for the commotion. The sounds of toys dropping on hard floors, swings moving and the baby crying, may alarm a dog, especially one sensitive to sounds. Download a soundtrack of a baby crying from iTunes or Google. Play the sounds at a low volume for your dog while offering treats. Over time, increase the volume of the cries.

            Establish boundaries. Manage your dog’s access to your baby and her accoutrements, like the diaper can and toys, with baby gates and closed doors.

            Christina Thomas started preparing her two mixed-breed rescue dogs for the arrival of her baby, Makayla, long before her daughter’s birth. She trained her dogs to go to a “safe” space, like their dog beds, when they want to be left alone.

            “They aren’t allowed to be protective of their space, but they know it is a safe area that we will always make sure they can rest peacefully there,” Thomas says. “The dogs now trust that they won’t be hurt by our daughter so both are very accepting of her.” 

            Welcome home! Before coming home from the hospital, send your husband or a relative home with a blanket that smells like your baby. Introduce the new scent to your dog with treats and praise.

            Before you arrive home, have a friend or relative crate your dog or put her in a safe room.

            “You don’t have to introduce your dog to your baby on the day you come home from the hospital. In fact, for most people that’s a really bad idea,” Thibodeau says.

            With hormones soaring, you may feel anxious or stressed when first coming home with your baby. Dogs can sense your stress, which raises their stress levels.

            When you feel calm, have your partner control your dog on a leash, and you hold your baby while seated. Because a dog learns about the world through smell, allow her to sniff the diaper area and your baby’s feet (cover your baby’s feet with booties or socks). Avoid the baby’s head, face and fingers.

            Watch for subtle body language, including tongue flicking and looking or turning away, early signs that your dog feels uncomfortable and wants to disengage. Immediately consult with a certified dog trainer experienced in behavioral modification if your dog exhibits any aggressive behavior.

            Never leave your dog alone with your child. Even a well-trained dog could bite a child who is climbing on it or pulling on its tail or ears.

Check out these additional resources

Freelance writer Christa M. Hines resides in Olathe with her husband, their two active sons and a beloved mutt.

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