KC Baby Editor's Letter Winter 2021


I had a lot of apprehension about the onset of labor when I was pregnant with my firstborn. How exactly would I know when I was in labor? Would my water break or would I just have contractions? And, as a planner, I wanted to know when it would start. As it turned out, I worried needlessly (isn’t that always the way with worry?), and my water didn’t break before the hospital with either of my girls—and I definitely was able to tell when it started. But if your water does break before you are at the hospital, that’s a sure sign that Baby is on her way!

Are you a list maker? I am! My mom always says the first item on any list should be “Make a list.” That way you are able to mark off at least one item on your list, even if you don’t get to anything else. If you love lists, head to pg. 8 for your pregnancy to-do list. Written by Emily Cline, a Lenexa momma, who just delivered her new baby, her trimester-by-trimester to-do’s will have you covered.  

During these cooler months, it’s easy for kids (and parents!) to feel a bit stir-crazy. Luckily, Kansas City is filled with so many great places for tiny tots to visit when it’s too cold to play outdoors. And when we do get some warmer days, we have plenty of places that families can visit as well. Check out Kristina Light’s article for great ideas for wonderful outings for the entire family.

Happy winter, KC!

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