The Home Stretch

Final prep before Baby’s arrival


That third trimester—it’s exciting, anxiety-inducing and exhausting all at once. But mostly exciting. While you’re counting down the days until your expected due date, try to stay calm, breathe and maybe do a quick happy dance as you’re packing your hospital bag. Try to cross items off your mental checklist while you’re at it.

‪I happen to be in the home stretch of my (second-ish) pregnancy, so I’ve been nesting all over the place, making lists, going to OB appointments, packing and repacking my hospital bag, washing onesies, diffusing lavender essential oil, etc. I’m excited to share what’s been working for me.

‪I made a “third trimester of pregnancy to-do list” and have been adding and checking items off my list on the notes app on my phone for weeks. I also have a physical list, but this one is easier to modify.

‪I won’t tackle every single detail, but here are a few of the essentials to take care of before the arrival of your newest little roommate.

‪Pack your hospital bag

‪Several sources suggest that 36 weeks is a good time to pack your hospital bag, considering labor can start any time at that point. I started packing mine a little before then since I’m so indecisive. I like to add or remove items as I realize what is absolutely necessary and what just takes up space.

‪Include items such as ...

‪Order your breast pump

‪Are you planning to breastfeed or use formula? If breastfeeding is your goal, now is a good time to order a pump, either through insurance or by other means. Find out whether you can get one for free through insurance and which ones you are eligible for. My insurance covered a few specific brands, so I chose one, placed an order and, before I knew it, it was in a box at my doorstep. Research your favorites and go from there.

‪Install a car seat

‪Go ahead and install your car seat as soon as you purchase one. This will be the most important tool for bringing your baby home, so you might as well cross this off your list right away and not have to worry about it last-minute.

‪Wash baby clothes, swaddles, blankets

‪It’s helpful to have as many clean onesies on hand as possible, though you’ll only need one to bring Baby home from the hospital in. Once you get home, you’ll likely be way too tired to think about laundry, so go ahead and wash any and all baby items while you still have the stamina.

‪Set up your bassinet or crib

‪Make sure that wherever Baby will be sleeping is clean, safe, secure and ready. Make sure it is free of any extra blankets or stuffed toys.

‪Make a (tentative) birth plan

‪Talk with your OB at one of your upcoming appointments. Do you want to induce, have baby naturally or schedule a c-section? What does your OB recommend? Is this your first or fifth birth?

‪Pick a pediatrician

‪If you already have a kid or two, this will be easy—you’ll probably just use the same Pediatrician they do. If this is your first baby or you’ve moved, you may need to put more thought into this. Choose someone, so you can make that first check-up appointment as soon as possible.

‪Make child care arrangements

‪Of course, while you’re away at the hospital, you’ll need to make arrangements for your other children, especially if your partner will be joining you at the hospital for the birth. We plan to do a practice run of Grandma and Grandpa’s watching our son at our house and practicing his nighttime routine with them, so he knows what to expect. If your kiddo has separation anxiety like ours does, you may need more preparation.

‪Make and freeze meals

‪A lot of people organize meal trains, but right now you may opt for a DIY kind of experience. Go ahead and meal-prep so you don’t have to worry about it the first few weeks at home with your baby. Soups, casseroles or enchiladas freeze and reheat well.

‪Reserve some time for self-care

‪Last but not least, try to find moments to relax before the big day, even if it’s just in the tub, at a hair appointment or a pedicure. You want to be as calm and relaxed as possible and in a positive mindset when Baby makes her debut.

Emily Morrison is a freelance writer, former copy editor, full-time mommy and Disney fanatic who lives in Independence with her husband, 5-year old son and dog. She’s in the “home stretch” with baby #2.

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