Ask Ashley: Great Plains SPCA

Great Plains SPCA animal expert answers your pet questions


We adopted a dog and he gets very nervous in the car and shakes and whimpers when we are driving. Is there anything I can do to make car rides easier on the little guy? Also, thank you for all that you and Great Plains SPCAdo for the animals. – Katie Bell

There are several things you can do for your dog to associate the car as a good place. I recommend exercising him for20-30 minutes before a trip, keeping the car cool, and using toys and treats to create a positive experience. Try going on a bunch of small trips to fun places like the park or drive-thrus. There are pheromone sprays to calm him and in the worst-case scenario, you can consult your veterinarian to get antianxiety medication.– Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA

What vaccines do you recommend for dogs? Do you recommend the leptospirosis vaccine? Do you recommend the annual rabies vaccine or the three-year vaccine? Thank you.– Jeffrey Thompson

I have consulted one of our veterinarians at Great Plains SPCAsince I am not a vet. Here is what she had to say, “According to the AmericanAnimal Hospital Association (AAHA), core vaccines for dogs include rabies and the DAPP vaccine. Other vaccines such as Bordetella and Leptospirosisare, are not core vaccines but may be beneficial to your dog depending on lifestyle. Leptospirosis is a common pathogen found in the urine and feces of wild animals, so it is often recommended for dogs that have access to standing water or grass. To receive a three-year rabies vaccine, your pet must first receive a one-year vaccine. After that point, it is your personal preference. I recommend pet owners establish care with a primary care veterinarian and work with them to find the right vaccine schedule for their pet based on their lifestyle and risk factors.” – Ashley Flores, CPDT-KAand Madison Minter, DVM

I just adopted a puppy and she is the cutest thing ever and we love her to pieces. What is a normal amount for a new puppy to pee in the house? How can I work on this? – Deanna Marsh

The American Kennel Club (AKC)suggests that puppies can wait for the same number of hours as their age in months up to about nine months of age. This means that a one-month-old puppy will need to pee every hour, while five-month-old puppy will have to go every five hours. I recommend taking your puppy out as often as she needs reflecting her age, crate training, and patience. You can also tether her to your belt loop to always keep her close and when she starts sniffing around, take her out immediately. She should receive treats and praise when she eliminates outdoors. Sticking to a feeding schedule will also help.– Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA


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Great Plains SPCA is an independent 501(c)(3) no-kill shelter serving approximately 6,000 animals annually in the Johnson County community. As Kansas City’s premium family shelter, we continue to support the seven municipalities with which we are contracted including Overland Park, Leawood, Lenexa, Shawnee, Lake Quivira, and Johnson County Parks and Recreation and unincorporated Johnson County.

Great Plains SPCA

5424 Antioch Drive Merriam, KS 66202

(913) 831-7722(SPCA)

Great Plains SPCA

5424 Antioch Drive, Merriam, Kansas 66202 View Map


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Tues - Fri 12:00 - 7:00; Sat and Sun 11:00 - 6:00

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