June Editor's Letter


Welcome, summer! My favorite season of all is here! Each year I look forward to its arrival, because from the lazy days of no school to the warm smell of sunscreen that permeates the house, I love everything about summer. (Well, almost everything—I could certainly do without mosquitos.) Some of my most cherished summer activities and traditions include blueberry picking (thanks to our amazing digital media manager, Kristina, for introducing me to this years ago), attending Jazzoo, Friday Night Sound Bites at the Lenexa Public Market, Monarchs games that are such great, family-friendly events, and the beach at Shawnee Mission Park. What are some things you love to do in summer? If you are feeling uninspired, never fear! Our Summer Fun Guid, has tons of great ideas. I also love putting together the June calendar and picking out what fun events I want to attend.

Besides summer, June is also the month in which we set aside a day to honor dads. Dads are important people that work hard for their families and deserve a day to be spoiled. Check out Kailyn Rhinehart’s article, “Dad’s Rock!” for just a few of the important lessons dads teach kids and how they help to positively influence their children’s development.

When my younger daughter, Ally, was a preschooler, she would often have bad dreams, which made bedtime a bit tricky. To combat the bad dreams, we purchased some dream spray (spoiler alert: it was body spray from Bath & Body Works). Each night before bed, we’d spray the dream spray to keep the bad dreams away. It worked—maybe I should market this! Kids often are frightened by dreams. Check out Judy Goppert’s article for ideas on how to help a kiddo cope with a bad dream.

Happy summer and Happy Father’s Day, KC!  

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