March Editor's Letter


This month brings a milestone birthday. I’ve been reflecting on the past decade as I prepare to enter the next and taking stock of where I am and where I thought I’d be. The past 10 years have brought many expected and unexpected events. During my 40s I was thick in parenting mode, which I expected. My dad passed during my 40s, which I didn’t expect. The girls became teens, which I expected, but I didn’t expect the high school years to go so quickly! In a few short years I’ll be an empty nester!

My mom has said as she grew older that her wish on each birthday was that she could choose one of her children and spend the day with that child at whatever age she wanted. For example, if she chose me, she could spend the day with me when I was 5. She would stay the same age, she just wanted to enjoy one more day with each of us at different ages. How nice would that be? My wish would be to go back and relive certain days. I’d love to go back and have one more day with my dad. We wouldn’t have to do anything special—I just miss him. I would enjoy spending a day with brother Bud when we were young before there were more siblings. I wish I could do again the day I met Ty. Two of my best days were the days the girls were born, and I would love to enjoy those one more time. The list of days I’d like to relive is long. I consider that a great life: to have had so many moments that I’d like to do one more time. My hope for the next 50 years is for many more of those days.

Happy March, Kansas City!

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