September Editor's Letter

Some of my fondest memories from childhood involve my grandparents, specifically, my grandma on my dad’s side. When I was in early elementary school, we lived close to my grandparents’ home. After dinner on summer evenings, we’d stroll to Ted Drewes for frozen custard, and then on to their home. We’d eat our treats on the porch and then walk back home. Every Easter season, on Holy Thursday, my cousin and I would ice lamb cakes my grandma had baked, attend church services and have a sleepover. Often when we’d visit her house, she’d have a “poor man’s pie” waiting for me—extra pie crust dough topped with cinnamon sugar. On family vacation, we’d always stop by my grandma’s cabin for a piece of candy. And if you rode in the car with her on the way to vacation, you were guaranteed to get homemade cookies from a coffee can and to start the journey by saying the rosary. I feel very lucky to have had my grandma in my life for 26 years! I’m thankful my girls have grandparents on both sides that are a part of their lives. We set aside a day in September to honor these grand folk! Check out just some of the benefits kids receive from a close relationship with grandparents.

Has the dust settled in your home from the back-to-school busyness? Or are you now full swing into fall busyness? If you’re still mired in a whirlwind of events and activities, you’re probably in need of some downtime! We recently took a day off in our home. It was a holiday, and we had several nice invitations but decided instead to stay home and do nothing. And that’s just what we did. It was lovely! If you are in desperate need of downtime, check out here for tips on planning a much-needed break.

Happy fall, KC!

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