November Trivia: KC Style

How well do you know your city?


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1. World War I ended on Nov. 11, 1918. Two Assyrian sphinxes guard the south entrance of the Liberty Memorial, which commemorates the conflict. One faces east toward the battlefields of France, shielding its eyes from the horrors of war. The other faces west, shielding its eyes from an unknown future. What are their names?

A. Wilson and Pershing               B. Memory and Future  C. War and Peace             D. Axis and Ally

2. Wild turkeys are known for their bare, red and blue heads with red wattles on the throat and neck, and their iridescent feathers. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, the average female lays how many eggs in one season?

A. 1-3             B. 4-6               C. 7-9       D. 10-13

Crown Center

3. The first sign of the holiday season arrives at Crown Center after a journey from Oregon. The mayor’s Christmas tree is then lit during an annual ceremony featuring live music and fireworks on the day after Thanksgiving. How tall is the tree?

A. 75 feet         B. 60 feet            C. 125 feet          D. 100 feet

4. Autumn sky watchers can enjoy a meteor shower that typically peaks around Nov. 17 or 18. The shower is named for the point in the sky from which the meteors seem to emerge, which is found in which constellation?

A. Leo                 B. Draco               C. Ursa Major    D. Cassiopeia

5. This holiday season, the Coterie brings Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical to stage. What year was the book originally published?

A. 1923   B. 1900      C. 1939      D. 1965

6. Lit annually on Thanksgiving night, the Plaza Lights have shined every holiday season since 1925 except one. The U.S. president asked Americans not to use Christmas lights in order to reduce dependence on foreign oil imports. What year was this?

A. 1973               B. 1980                 C. 1950                 D. 1964

Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
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