A Lasting Legacy of Good Character


A loving father. A wonderful grandfather. A caring husband. A compassionate uncle. A faithful friend. A considerate neighbor. An accomplished auctioneer. This was my grandfather.  He passed from this world and went to be with his Heavenly Father this week. While we will miss him here on earth, we rejoice in all the blessings that he gave us and the legacy he left us through his Godly character.  Following are some of the traits he has shown in his life.

Generosity: Carefully managing my resources so I can freely give to those in need. My grandfather was one of the most generous people I have ever known. He always made sure that the family was taken care of financially and if there was a need he was quick to meet it. When his sister was alone with seven small children and she was losing her house to foreclosure he didn’t think twice about helping them out by purchasing her house on the court house steps. He donated many cars to churches and ministries. He carefully managed his resources so that he could freely give to those in need.

 Creativity: Approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective. My papa’s occupation was a livestock auctioneer. During his 45 years as an auctioneer he revolutionized the industry by his creativity. Before his time, auctioneers usually came to auctions dressed casually, but my grandfather wanted to give his best to those he was selling for.  He would dress in a suit and tie so that his attire reflected his desire to do his best for his client and show respect to the customers attending the sale. Another way that he showed creativity was that he always made the auction fun and fast- paced. He could tell when he was losing a crowd and knew just the right jokes and phrases to draw them back. He was fast in his auctioneering which made people not want to leave, even to go to the restroom for fear that they might miss some of the action! He has won many awards and fame for approaching his task from a new perspective.

Punctuality: Showing esteem for others by doing the right thing at the right time. For Papa, it was always important to be punctual. Our family used to tease him about his punctuality. We would say that he would arrive an hour early and then be ready to depart from that place an hour early. He felt that it was always important to show high esteem for others by being early. There was hardly a time that he was late…for anything. He always tried his best to meet all his obligations. One time when my mother was in a high school play, my grandfather was out of town on business. He knew that his daughter was performing that night and did everything in his power to be there. Just before the curtain rose, a note was sent back stage to my mom that read, “I wanted you to know I made it; looking forward to it. Love, Dad.” He had made it…right on time. When he passed this week, he passed at 6 o’clock…right on time-never a minute late.

Security: Structuring my life around that which cannot be destroyed or taken away. My grandfather had many wonderful blessings in his life. He had a wonderful job, adoring wife, loving children, fame and awards. But he knew that even though these things were great, this was not where his security rested. His security rested in his Heavenly Father. As each year of his life went by he grew to know his Savior better. He desired that his family and friends know the saving grace of Jesus Christ as well. During the last few days of his life here on earth, my mom and I read him Scripture as he lay unconscious in the hospital. He knew, and we knew, where his security was. It was in the Almighty, which can never be destroyed or taken away.

What about you?

Friends, do you have a grandparent that you could compliment on their character?  Maybe it is not a grandparent that you are thinking of; maybe it is a parent, sibling, or friend. Whoever it might be, go and share with them how their character has benefited your life. You can use the link below for a list of character qualities and definitions. Life is a gift and oh, how we are blessed by the legacy that others leave us through their good character.


Character Qualities taken from: Character First!; http://www.characterfirst.com/assets/Files/CF-Definitions.pdf


Hanna Sims, Teen Blogger

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