Balancing Motherhood with Sick Kids

Taking care of sick kiddos is no easy task, especially when they are little, and when there is more than one of them. My oldest at 3 ½ has been plagued with a fever for the last 3 days, strep throat, and now pink eye. All I want to do is snuggle with her and watch her favorite movies all day, tend to her every need, and just hold her. But with a 1 ½ year old boy on the loose, dinners that need to be cooked, a pantry and fridge that need stocked and laundry that needs to get clean, it’s nearly impossible to do just that. And did I mention Daddy’s traveling for work, too?

It’s times like these when I wish I could have a live in, full-time nanny. If someone could be here to take care of the clothing and food needs, as well as the entertaining, playing, and disciplining needs of the other kids, I think I could just be a Mom. My 20-month old has discovered how to climb onto things – tables, chairs, couches, beds – so this is creating a whole new set of busyness around here. And it’s really sabotaging my effort to sit with my sick little sweetie.

So while Dad’s away, we’ll just get by with the basics so I can still find time to be Mom while finishing the other tasks around the house. We may only eat sandwiches, veggies and fruit for dinner one night, but as long as their tummies aren’t rumbling, they’ll be fine, right? And if it buys me an extra hour to take care of my sick little peanut, it’s all worth it. Hopefully the Amoxicillin and eye drops for pink eye will kick in soon around here.

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