Beating the winter blues

How to keep the kids (and yourself) from going stir crazy during the winter months


When it’s nice outside and the kids start getting a little rambunctious, the easy solution is to send them outside to run and play. Yet on very cold or snowy days, finding ways for them to exert energy and arrange entertainment can be a challenge. How do you maintain your sanity and keep the kids from bouncing off the walls when you are all stuck indoors?

Here are a few ideas to help make the most of your time indoors:

Rachel Talkington, a Lee’s Summit mom of three, purchased two construction fort sets from the Discovery Kids brand. These products allow one to build a wide variety of structures and are something she says keeps her kids entertained all day.

She says sometimes her kids pretend their forts are a grocery store or a drive-through restaurant. Talkington only brings the fort sets out on days when a special indoor activity is needed, so the fun remains something to relish. The family now has neighbor kids wanting to come over and play with the sets.

Of course, old-fashioned forts with sheets and blankets draped over furniture are always sure to provide long hours of entertainment. 

Kids may not have as much room to enjoy these activities in more restricted spaces, but on a cold day, they still can burn off some energy with these toys.

Lee’s Summit mom Christina Larson created bins of activities to help entertain her son on cold, boring days. She included toy figures, animals and vehicles, as well as blocks, arts and craft supplies, sorting and stacking items, playdough and magnets. She bought most of these items at a dollar store and sorted them into shoebox-sized plastic containers.


Independence mom Kyndal Costello has taken into account her children’s unique personalities in providing ways for them to find entertainment inside.

Her son has autism, and his space is all about providing him with sensory input. They started with a personal-sized trampoline, and they now even have a swing for his room. The family currently has plans to loft his bed to give him more room to play below. They also have decided to build a rock wall up to his bed instead of using a ladder.

Costello’s daughter has a reading nook in a small space in their house. The cozy spot consists of a little decorated house in which she can sit, relax and read. Her personal space also includes chalkboards on the walls so she can write, draw and express creativity.

Develop a list of recipes to try with your kids and reserve them for a cold day. Cooking together can be a great opportunity to teach your children skills in the kitchen while keeping them entertained at the same time. Similarly, look up different ideas for art projects or perhaps even some good indoor science experiments you can do together. Keep all supplies on hand and ready to go when needed.

Allison Gibeson is a mom and freelance writer from Lee’s Summit.

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