Classroom Volunteers 101

Ways to volunteer at your children’s school even if you aren’t the room parent type.


I’ll admit it. I am just not crafty. I look at a paper plate and I see a paper plate. Not an alien or a raccoon mask or a ladybug with the addition of paint and a few pipe cleaners. I rarely go on Pinterest, nor am I trained in any aspect of child development or early education. I’m not even particularly organized. Yet, here I am, somehow into my fifth year of room-parenting. As a teacher at our school put it, sometimes all they need is “a warm body.”  I can do that! 

The idea for this article topic came about when I was helping out at our school’s picture day. The photographers were so happy to have parents there wrangling the kids and they said many schools do not have parents help out. That makes the process take a lot longer and pulls teachers or staff from their regular duties to help, plus the photographs do not turn out as well. I may not be crafty, but I can comb hair, tuck in shirts and tell kids to line up and quiet down with the best of them.

I recognize every school is different, and you have to follow your school’s policies about what they will allow parents to do. Schools and PTOs typically already have a long list of volunteer tasks they are trying to fill. I would like to encourage parents and schools to think of additional ways to promote parent involvement. Everyone has something to offer.

Also, don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to be a full-time volunteer in order to help out. ALL parents are busy. A little time or effort can go a long way. An hour a month gives a break to teachers or the small group of parent volunteers that organize and handle the bulk of the work at your school.  Think about what you enjoy doing and then find a way to apply that interest at school. Volunteering does not have to put you in the spotlight. There are plenty of behind-the-scenes jobs to be done.

Participating in even a small way will show your children that their education and school are important to you.


Most parents know that volunteering at school benefits their child. The National Education Association (NEA) has examined some of the specific ways parent involvement helps: 

Laura Miller McEachen lives in Overland Park and is a part-time attorney and a full-time mommy. She likes to volunteer at school so she can see what her kids are up to.

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