Create a reader in Your Child


Reading can open up the world to your child. It is important that you make an effort to encourage a love of reading in your child. Here are some tips to help you along the way.

Go to the library- regularly

It’s free and usually not too far away! Make it a part of your schedule and be sure to check out all of the great activities and story times your library has to offer!

Get them a library card- make a big deal about it

Kids love having their own things. Having their own card will make the books they check out more meaningful to them. With younger children you will need to hold onto the card. As they get older, make them responsible for keeping the card in a safe place.

Keep a book basket or bag for your library books and train your children to always keep the books in the special place so you don’t have any lost library books.

Let them see you reading

Whether it’s the newspaper, the back of the cereal box, or the New York Times bestseller be sure that your children see you involved with print. It will speak volumes to them on the importance of reading. Children learn more from what they see than what they hear.

Send them to bed earlier, let them stay up later if they read

Put your child to bed a few minutes before bedtime and allow them to relax in bed with a book. After 15 to 20 minutes you can ask for lights out. What a great habit to instill in your kids!

Create a reading space

Provide a special place in your child’s room or in your home that is just for reading. It can be as simple as having a beanbag for each child to sit on while enjoying a book.

Make books accessible

Have books readily available to all ages of children. Keep some in a basket for baby to be able to get to as well as some on bookshelves for older kids. Keep books in different rooms of the house as well so there is always something to do when your child claims there is nothing to do.

Keep a book or two in the car

These books can be used when you hit a traffic jam or the troops just can’t seem to get along for that car ride to the grandparents. Pull out the books, turn down the music and tell everyone it’s time to turn off voices and look through a book. Many times I’ve taken the books from our car into the doctor’s office to read while we wait-it’s been a sanity saver!

Read to your child daily

It’s really a no-brainer but in our busy lives reading sometimes gets pushed aside. Make it a part of your daily schedule and stick to it. Just like you wouldn’t let your child skip brushing his or her teeth, don’t skip the time reading to them.


What a gift to give your child that will last them a lifetime!

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