Moms’ Night Out

Make It a Moms’ Night In: Ten Easy Ideas

As a mom, you’ve likely played hostess for play dates, team dinners, scout meetings or sleepovers, but when was the last time you invited your friends over for some fun?


According to Brenda Mott, mother of three and owner and consultant of Momtourage (, “Whether you are a new mom or an experienced mom, a stay-at-home mom or working mom, you are the caretaker for everyone in the family. Oftentimes you take little time to care for yourself. Moms’ nights provide social, emotional and intellectual stimulation that moms need to enhance their well-being.”


Amy Hilbrich Davis, mother of seven and founder and CEO of Inspiring Moms (, agrees that spending time with friends is important. She further explains that it is important for moms to model healthy friendships. If moms want their kids to grow up with great friendships, they should be good role models. “If you treasure it, you make time for it,” insists Davis.


If you’re ready to schedule some fun, then read on for some creative ideas from Mott and Davis to make Moms’ Night Out a Moms’ Night In. You’ll save money and make memories.

So, what are you waiting for? Ask Dad, the grandparents or a babysitter to watch the kids and have fun. If you can’t make a nighttime activity work, take a cue from Rebble Kelsey, an Overland Park mother of three. While her kids are at school, she takes time for friends. They enjoy making jewelry while they visit. “Time with friends is that chance to see the beauty in other people that I would like to be part of. It challenges me to be better in the roles that I fill, but also reminds me not to take myself too seriously,” says Kelsey.

Elizabeth Welter lives in Olathe where she is hoping to invest more time in her friends.

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