Our Week with a Dog


As you may recall, I’m not much of a pet person (as in, not at all). So it was in a moment of weakness when I agreed to dog-sit for my sister’s dog while she was in Florida. She was traveling the same week as my folks and the rest of my siblings are single or have babies, so I was the sitter by default. Tori and Ally, on the other hand, were over-the-moon excited to be keeping Eleanor for the week. Here’s how the week went.

Day One

Bonus: The girls were SUPER easy to get out of bed this morning. I was shocked. I expected lots of moaning and groaning heading back to school after spring break, but one kiss from Eleanor and up they sprang with smiles on their faces. I could get used to happy girls in the morning!

Bummer: Eleanor follows me EVERYWHERE in the house. News flash to Eleanor-I have two kids that follow me around. When they are at school, I prefer to not be followed throughout the house.

Day Two

Bonus: I have managed to get Eleanor to eat and do her business outside for two days in a row! One of my fears was that she would refuse to eat and refuse to go out for the potty. Score two for me!

Bummer: Eleanor has thrown up twice! My sister and I agree it is because she is nervous and out of her element, but it is still YUCK! And, then she was licking it-ew!!! I had no idea!

Day Three

Bonus: The giggles from the girls when they play with Eleanor make me happy. They just get so tickled and are having such fun with her!

Bummer: The rain! I have to take her out four times a day and I am tired of getting wet! And when I bring a wet dog into the house, I need to dry her off, which means more dirty towels, which means more laundry.

Day Four

Bonus: The rain has stopped! Now that Eleanor and I are taking official walks together, I’ve noticed walking with a dog is just like walking with a baby-everyone stops to talk with you.

Bummer: That bonus from a few days ago, when the girls were easy to get out of bed? Well, it has turned into a bummer because taking Eleanor out takes time and we’ve been running late for school this week.

Day Five:

Bonus: The end is in sight! One more day and she goes home and I have managed to take care of and look after her for a week!

Bummer: The girls are super upset and it makes me sad that they are so sad (but not sad enough to run out and get a dog!).


Having a dog is not something that fits into the Sarver family plan at this time, and my thanks to Eleanor for helping me see that we are best dog-free!

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