Refresh and Replenish: 24 Ways to Bring Fresh Energy to Your Fall

24 Ways to Bring Fresh Energy to Your Fall


Each year around this time, I take a step back to mentally and physically recharge and appreciate my life. The process is fun, effective and absolutely necessary. Here are 21 easy ways for you and your family to slow down and smell the pumpkin spice.  

First things first. When you are at your best, everything else follows suit. Take the time to take care of you.

Stretch your brain

Read a book, try a crossword or play a game of solitaire. Pick something that makes you think for a change. We fill our brains with mindless junk food every day. Step away from the Candy Crush and nourish your brain with some healthy stuff.

Heaven scent

The strike of a match. The flicker of a flame. Light a few cozy candles in a cozy space and relax. This indulgence takes only a moment, and the aroma love will last all day.

Make a playlist

We’re surrounded by music, but how often do you listen to what you want to hear? Hop on your favorite music platform and create a 30-minute playlist of songs you adore. Old, new, rap, country…it doesn’t matter. Pop in some ear buds and play that funky music.

Get moving

Hike up your leggings for something other than Netflix and try a little downward dog. Or just put on your shoes and take a 20-minute walk. Get your body right, and your mind will fall in line.

Say no

Although this time of year is amazing, the season can take a toll. Know that you don’t have to sign up for every activity, bake sale, sports event and gala in existence. You gotta fight for your right to party poop.

Ban the booze

Drinking’s negative effects on your body are no secret. Bloating, dehydration and extra empty calories all add up to a body that isn’t functioning at its best. Take a step away for a few days.

Make a connection

Social media has nearly eliminated actual face-to-face conversation. Make a coffee date or book a yoga session with a friend you haven’t seen for a long time—and don’t cancel! Reconnect and remember what it’s like to see a smile in person.

Do something nice

For yourself! You are constantly doing for others; it’s time to do something for you. Pick up a flower bouquet, take yourself to lunch or buy your favorite candy bar and don’t share. It’s okay to spoil yourself every once in a while!

Your home is your castle. Unfortunately, if the castle is messy and unorganized, you’ll hardly feel like royalty. Put in a little bit of time and be amazed at how good it feels.

The donation creation

Your kids haven’t played with that PJ Masks action figure set in months. You haven’t worn those shorts that will fit “someday” in at least 365 “somedays.” Grab a box and set a timer for 15 minutes. Go through as many rooms in your house as you can during that time and fill the box with things to donate. It’s fast, easy and no one will even notice things are gone. Besides, it’s the season of giving.

Nooks and crannies

Give each person in your family—even the littles—a cleaning job outside their everyday duties. A teen can clean the dusty windows. Your spouse can tidy up the garage or the cobweb-covered ceiling. You give the inside of the washer and dryer a long overdue scrub. Help each other out and be proud of how much better your home looks, feels and smells!

Plant it out

The outdoors need to come in. Consider selecting a few plants to pot together with your kids. Afraid you won’t be able to keep them alive? Believe me, you can! Ask a local greenery shop to help you choose low maintenance plants. Your air will thank you.

Filters aren’t just for Instagram

Change all the filters: the air filter, vacuum filter, even the water filter on the fridge. You’ll be surprised how many appliances and products requite a filter change every six months to a year, and chances are, you haven’t done it recently. Make a list of the filters you need, hit up the hardware store and swap them out the minute you get back.


The school year is in full swing, and the papers are already piling up. I hereby give you permission to become judge and jury on what to keep and what to toss. Designate a folder in the family filing cabinet for each child and fill it as full as you want. Throw everything else out. Do this for yourself and your spouse, too.

Update your photos

We all have the best of intentions to keep our photo frames updated, but it’s easy to fall behind. If your toothless toddler is now a snarky preteen, take a minute to print out some new pics and swap out the old. Your whole room’s vibe will feel reorganized and fresh.

Wash your pillows

Small effort, huge impact. Toss those Cheeto-covered throw pillows and covers in the wash. Voila! Instant refresh.

Let the light in

Ok, it’s not the most fun chore in the world, but how long has it been since you cleaned the windows? Start with one room and clean just those windows (water and vinegar do just fine) and the next week tackle another room. A little light is a great mood lifter.

Couples set the tone for the family. Allow too much space to get between the two of you, and the ties that bind will start slowly to unravel. Take time this fall to reconnect with each other for the sake of everyone.

Be a confidant

Make a promise to tell your spouse about your highs and lows rather than texting to a friend. Choose your partner as your first call when something goes wrong. Reconnect on the seemingly mundane things and you’ll find that your intimacy grows in a way it never has.

Turn off your phone

No really, turn it OFF off.After 8:00 in the evening, leave just one phone on for emergencies, but keep it at least 10 feet away. If you need an alarm clock in the bedroom, buy an actual alarm clock. Disconnect for a few hours and focus on the person you love.

Start a lovers’ journal

This isn’t high school; it’s okay to be corny. Purchase a notebook and each night, have one partner write a short and sweet love note for the other. The following night, switch. At the end of one month, go back and read what you’ve written to each other and let the ooey-gooey love flow.

Change that one thing

Piling dirty dishes in the sink. Leaving the gas tank empty. We all have a marriage crime we commit regularly. This season, fix it. Don’t hope for a thank you or for credit, just do it because you love your spouse. There’s truly no better reason.


Hold hands. A seemingly small gesture, touch is synonymous with love and affection—and you can never have too much.

Unexpected moments

When’s the last time you texted your spouse how much you love him rather than a reminder to pay the cable bill? Take the time to send an “I love you” text with an ear-to-ear grin selfie and turn his day right around. Tip: a hilarious GIF works wonders, too!

Date Night (or Day)

Even if it’s something as simple as running to McDonald’s for a soda and 15 minutes spent catching up, dates are an important way to connect. If a date night is out of the question, try a morning coffee or a trip to the library in the afternoon. Make it a priority to get out and about with your spouse.

Be kind

You’ve had a stressful day. Work is busy, kids are arguing and you just spilled your coffee. It’s easy to take out your frustrations on your spouse, but take a step back for a moment and remind yourself this is your partner for life. Kindness wins, every time.



Kim Antisdel is a freelance writer and interior design sales rep for KC. She lives in Liberty with her husband, stepdaughters and toddler son.

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