Ta-Da Rather than To Do


Are you a list maker? I recently read an article dealing with to-do lists. It piqued my interest, as I am a big list maker. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I strike off my list an item as finished, but rarely do I have a day when I cross everything off. Usually, my daily list begins with five or six items and, by the end of the day, three are crossed off and four new items have been added. My wise mom told me that when making a to-do list, item number one should always be to “make a list.” That way, you are sure to check off at least one item every day.

The article I read had a different take on list making. It suggests that instead of making a to-do list, make a “done” list—what I’ve termed a “ta-da” list. This strategy diverts our focus from what we don’t accomplish to celebrate what we do accomplish during the day. I really like the idea! In addition to getting a feeling of accomplishment, I’ll also have a short record of each day’s what and when (because let’s be honest, I’ve fallen short in the whole baby book, preserving memories, taking photos of the kids department).

For example, a list from a weekday might look something like this:


Isn’t this much more fun? Looking at a list of things I’ve actually accomplished during the day feels much better than ending the day with a half-finished list, and I love the focus on the positive. In addition to your own list, ask family members to jot down a couple of things from their day. Sharing these accomplishments is a great way to reconnect at the end of the day and spend a few precious minutes together. I encourage you to turn your list around from a to-do list to a ta-da list. I think you’ll be glad you did!


KC Parent editor Margaret Sarver can be found making lists from her home in Lenexa.

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