
No fool-proof manual exists for parents on how to deal with a toddler tantrum. After all, each child and each situation is unique. However, here are a few general tips that might help prevent some tantrums and also help nip them in the bud when they do happen. 

When all else fails and your child is making a terrible scene at the park, kicking and screaming, just know that we’ve all been there! The only good thing about tantrums is that they don’t last forever!


1. Which of the following is a common cause for a tantrum?

A.    ExhaustionB.    HungerC.    Lack of controlD.    All of the above 2. If a child is stomping his feet and demanding candy, what should you do?

A.    Say no and do not give in.

B.    Wait 5 minutes before giving him candy.

C.    Allow him the candy because he’s so upset.

D.    Ignore him.

3. If you sense your child is having a meltdown for attention, what should you do?

A.    Ignore her.

B.    Stop whatever you are doing and give her your undivided attention.

C.    Allow her to participate in whatever you are doing.

D.    Put her in time-out.

4. Why is the 5-minute warning so important?

A.    It gives the child time to prepare for a change.

B.    It gives the child a bit of control, by providing her with information.

C.    It increases the likelihood of a peaceful exit.

D.    All of the above. 

5. Which of the following is an ineffective method of dealing with a tantrum?

A.    Holding and hugging the child.

B.    Yelling.

C.    Calmly but sternly responding with short answers.

D.    Ensuring child is rested and fed.

Answers: 1) D. 2) A. 3) C. 4) B. 5) D

Olathe mom Karen Johnson has three children, ages 6, 4 and 2. She writes at The21stCenturySAHM.com

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