The Best Pet

Fellow Teen:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Are you thinking about getting a pet?  No, not just any pet; the perfect pet.  You know, one of those pets that adore you every minute of the day and sleep in your room at night?

     What is the best kind of pet for a teen?  One that’s loveable, fits your lifestyle, and is your very own.    

     Virtually every pet can be a joy!  Here’s some thoughts on just a few different kinds of animals.

Dogs and Cats                                                     

     Dogs and cats are certainly one of the most popular (and loveable) pets. 

     But before you rush to the pet store to bring home your furry little babe, there are many considerations which need to take place.

     For instance, cats and dogs are really like small children.  They need to be fed, bathed, and exercised.  Also, your veterinarian bill can get pretty high.  

     Nevertheless, given the ability to undertake these challenges, you will find that a dog or cat can be a wonderful comfort to your life.


    If you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet, or perhaps one that’s allowed in your apartment, a fish may be right for you. 

     Fish are easy to manage, fun to watch, and many are trainable.  (My betta fish, Sunshine, let my family pet him and feed him from our fingers.)

     The common goldfish is very easy to take care of, but their tank odor is a bit tough on a nose.  It also has a lifespan about 5-12 years, so a goldfish would be a commitment.

     The colorful betta fish, on the other hand, keeps its tank cleaner than a goldfish, but only lives 3-5 years on average.  Bettas also need a special heater for their tank.   

      To say the least, fish can be surprisingly loveable and spunky…that is if you pick out the right kind.                                                                      



     A parakeet might be right for you if you aren’t able to put in all the responsibility of a dog, but want a “bigger” pet than a fish.

     Though parakeets are somewhat simpler to take care of than dogs, they do require regular cage cleanings, a few toys, and--being social birds--a good amount of “family time” per day.   

     Parakeets are clever and sweet, and the cost for one is usually within a teenager’s budget. 

Choosing a Pet   

     Maybe by now you are considering purchasing your very own pet.  One of the best places to get your animal is from a pet adoption center.

     Stress can be very wearing on teens nowadays.  Did you know that pets are able to lower your stress level?  Lots of animals, especially dogs and cats, are used therapeutically.

     Another plus is that owning a pet will teach you how to handle more responsibility as a teenager.

     And finally, all pets will listen to you, comfort you, and they will never, ever tell you to clean your room…unless you have a parakeet that has been listening to your mom too much.

Anny Hiestand, Teen Blogger

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