Fourth of July Egg Carton American Flag


Need a fun and festive Independence Day craft? Look no further than your kitchen and your craft supply area. With a little thought and patience, this craft will be a winner!



  1. Flip the egg carton over and paint the (now) tops of the individual cups white, leaving the top left four squares untouched. 
  2. Paint the rows of the egg carton red, leaving the top left four squares untouched. 
  3. Paint the top four squares blue.  
  4. Allow to completely dry. 
  5. Repaint and touch up any sections. Allow to completely dry. We needed two layers of paint to get the coverage we wanted. 
  6. Cut out a star stamp out of the foam. Dip the foam in white paint and add the stars to the tops of the blue squares. 
  7. Allow to completely dry and display for the Fourth of July! 

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer lives in Manhattan, Kansas with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs. Janelle loves to focus on learning through play and getting messy with crafts.

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