Amazing Fun at Amazing Play


It’s a cold and dreary KC day. Mom is climbing the walls. Dad is climbing the walls. Kids are climbing the walls. Sound familiar? With all of the cold recently, this has been the scene in the Sarver home too many times over the past few weeks. We all needed to get out and our destination for the day was Amazing Play Fun Center.

Before we even walked through the doors, my husband announced “it looks like these kids are having an AMAZING time” as he could see the Cloud Jumper from the parking lot. And he was right. As soon as we entered, we were caught up in the fun going on all around us. My younger, Ally, started her time in the Sky Maze, which you have to see to believe. It’s a multi-level climbing apparatus that includes a rope swing, slide and much more! 100% hand-made by owner Darrell Weaver with all local materials, it is truly a sight to behold. But not only is it awesome in sight, it is awesome in fun! If you have a nervous climber, parents are welcome to climb along at no extra charge. This mom is lucky that she has an adventurous climber, as I am not sure how well I’d succeed in the Sky Maze.

The Cloud Jumper was calling Ally’s name so off we went. This reminds me of the jumping pillows I’ve seen in malls and at local fairs. What made this one different was the length of time kids get to jump-I think Ally tired out before her time was up. Luckily, she got some energy back for two more times on the Jumper and was able to successfully flip!

Our next stop was Laser Tag. I have never played and so myself, Ally and husband Ty all suited up for a game. Whew! What a work out and what fun! I never realized I was so competitive…I wanted to win that game! While I didn’t win (I came in 2nd) I had a blast! I think it would be tons of fun to get some mom friends in there for a friendly game of tag! I was impressed by the maze and learned that it, too, was hand-built by owner Darrell, don’t miss out on seeing it and playing in it.

Ally talked me into completing the Vault Laser Maze, but she was probably sorry that she asked me to join her. I wasn’t familiar with a Laser Maze and made the mistake more than once of touching the laser. And yes, I crawled through on my belly to try and avoid the lasers, to no avail.

I was very impressed with all of the fun offered at Amazing Play. I especially loved the table seating in the middle of the center. From there you can see all attractions. So kids can play while adults sit. And adults can play and then sit out when they need a rest. They offer lots of meal and snack choices which makes Amazing Play the perfect choice for a day of fun.

Each attraction has a separate fee, with combo packages available. In addition, they run great deals during the week, so be sure to check them out!

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