Staycation or Vacation



Summer break is just around the corner, and for many families, this means it’s time to bust out the swimsuits and suitcases and pack for a vacation. At the top of the packing list, behind the socks and sunglasses, is a stockpile of reading and listening material to enjoy along the journey. Mid-Continent Public Library, offering both hard copies and digital— freeing up more room in that bag—is the perfect one-stop shop for these essentials. This year, some families aren’t quite ready to strike out on a new adventure. If you are staying close to home this summer, MCPL has the perfect staycation resources for you to create virtual cultural experiences.

As part of this at-home immersive experience, families can begin by exploring the culture of their chosen destination and learning a few phrases in a new language. At the end of the day, they can head to the kitchen to make a traditional recipe using an online resource or a cookbook checked out from a local MCPL branch, and then read a book or watch a movie related to the staycation destination.

If your family is interested in France, you could use the Library’s online resource World Geography & Culture Online to learn about the country’s folklore, famous people, sports, and more. Then use Mango and Muzzy, two free online language learning resources, to practice learning a few key French phrases. And finally, end your day by preparing a recipe from Rustic French Cooking Made Easy by Audrey Le Goff and sitting down to watch a streaming documentary about French cheeses through Access Video on Demand, or perhaps a more kid-friendly movie like Ratatouille.

While the Library has many books on international destinations including travel guides and cookbooks that are available for check out, these online resources can also aid your journey:

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MCPL’s Summer Library Program (June 1 – August 24, 2021) will open to kids and adults. Kids and teens can earn up to three books and qualify for prizes, such as a Kindle eReader, or tickets to a local attraction including the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, Science City and the Kansas City Zoo. Sign up at

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