Thrill the Family with a Train Ride to a Secret Destination!


Recently, my mother planned a surprise, two-day vacation for my family. My younger siblings, ages 12 through 16, had no idea what was happening when my parents woke them in the morning, drove 45 minutes to an agreed-upon rendezvous point—where my husband and I joined them—and boarded the train to Hermann, MO. There we enjoyed local food, watched the Missouri River glide by under the scorching sun and toured a winery along with houses dating from the 1850s.

It was a delightful break from the routine for all of us. We got to explore a city we had known nothing about, sleep under a different (and quite charming) roof, eat great food and reconnect with each other as a family.

Sometimes life gets too busy, and we forget to look around and see each other and the region in which we live. If you feel the need to get away, consider booking a train ride to a new town!

The Key is Planning

Why not pick a destination randomly? Open a map, close your eyes, and let your finger drop. Your next family outing can be the town or city to which you came closest.

Enjoy your family anew in a different context. Learn about the region in which you live. Discover the joy of planning a surprise for the ones you love.

Have fun!

Emily McIntyre is a Kansas City-based freelance writer and harpist who has placed work in a wide variety of publications. She also writes a blog, When not writing she enjoys reading, cooking and making music under a variety of conditions.

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