I LOVE Christmas! The flavors, the decorations, the scents, planning and preparing for the many traditions. Over the years I've learned that not everyone shares my love of the holiday so much that they rejoice, as I do, when the Christmas trees line the aisles of Hobby Lobby and the Black Friday Ads start rolling in. Yet, even for this Christmas Fan, I do have two lists: Things I Prefer to Do Before November 1, and Traditions that Should Begin the Day After Thanksgiving. Where do you fall on the spectrum?
On or Before November 1:
- Christmas Shopping... I am "running behind" this year with a few gifts yet to buy. I like to watch for bargains and shop year-round, so usually I have everything purchased (and last year wrapped... but I was 8 months pregnant) by November 1. This year, I'm 90% there. Personally, I love the holidays and the crowds don't bother me at Lighting Ceremonies, Festivals, and Events, but I don't like to shop with a crowd. I can't think as clearly and there's nothing I want bad enough to fight for it or endure noise and headache.
- Christmas Music... Star 102 started their Christmas music on November 1, much to my personal delight. Now, others on the KC Parent Team, say this helps inspire us as we're wrapping up the December issue.. I understand this, but true confessions? I liked the early music even before working for a magazine! My daughter disagrees and says we should wait till all the leaves fall off the trees. Really?
- Christmas Movies.. we started watching many of our favorite Christmas movies on November 1 and I reserved those we don't own at the local library (other patrons should thank me... we'll be done with them by the time you're ready for them). I love watching holiday movies with the girls. It's a special treat to watch shows we all enjoy.
- Christmas Recipe Testing... we're digging out the cookbooks and trying new recipes in anticipation of the holidays.
- Making Lists... there are so many details to keep on top of each holiday, I love lists. Christmas wish lists for the girls, gift lists, to do lists, and one of my favorites... Christmas in Kansas City "Must Do" List.
Wait till the Day After Thanksgiving or Later:
- Christmas Lights... this weekend I dropped by a friend's house and noticed two homes in her neighborhood aglow with Christmas lights. Already? Really? Okay... that's too early for me. I vote: Carve the Turkey first.
- Trim the Tree... same as above, unless you're traveling over the holidays, expecting a baby in December (last year at this house) or have another reasonable excuse to get a jump start. I prefer the Day after Thanksgiving.
- Sending Cards... Thanksgiving is too important to forget entirely.
- Giving Gifts to the Kids... I love the tradition of one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning. Early gifts spoil the magic for me.
So, what is your Christmas time line? Tuning into the holiday music now, later, or never? Lights up already or still? And are you even sending cards at all?
Written by Kristina Light